What is Edaya's Library Project?
It is a dynamic child-centred library concept for refugee children that deploys books and activities as main tools to develop literacy, build the habit of reading and help kids identify and discover their own interests
Why a Library?
To give the kids educational materials to stimulate their minds outside the school walls and help them become independent learners
Where is it Happening?
We work closely in partnership with Kayany Foundation, the library is located at one of Kayany’s informal schools for Syrian refugee children in the Bekaa valley in Lebanon
Design Participatory Approach
The kids have a say in their library! So we held a design participatory workshop to hear the kid’s ideas on the library design and building
Be Part of this Exciting Journey
There are many ways to be involved… whether you’d like to help spread the word, fundraising or volunteering we encourage you to get in touch!
Second year of Library
The kid’s are back to school and we’re supporting their access to a child friendly space where they feel safe, expressing themselves and learn